Collaborating With Fellow Advocates

What are the roles of Non-Latine/x people in Raices Chicago?

The Chicago Latine/x experience stands at the multiple crossroads that make up the histories of Chicago. Black migration to the city desegregated neighborhoods that allowed for the establishment of Latine/x enclaves in the city. The coalition work enacted by the Black Panthers, the Young Lords, and the Young Patriots embolden Latine/x organizing in the city. Mayor Harold Washington’s successful mayoral campaign led to his support in the establishment of some of Chicago’s Latine/x institutions. Black and Latine/x LGBTQ+ people created strategic coalitions to advocate for queers of color within the larger LGBTQ+ community. The histories of the Latine/x experience in Chicago are one of complex cultural interchanges across this city’s racial segregation lines. These stories are nuanced in that they hold varying narratives and are complicated in their desired outcome. It is our hopes that all non-Latine/x communities engage with Raices Chicago to tell more complete histories of this city.

So…what does that look like?

  • We seek collaborations with people and organizations whose projects seek to include Latine/x histories of Chicago.

  • We seek collaborations that lean into our skills as cultural workers with experience in education, curation, and exhibition design. 

  • We seek collaborations that empower youth to reclaim and share their histories through transformative educational programs. 

  • We seek collaborations that uplift curators, exhibition preparers, archivist, and oral historians of the Latine/x communities. 

  • We seek collaborations with our culturally responsive professional development, around best practices in the telling of Chicago Latine/x stories.  

  • We seek collaborations around language accessibility not only within the context of multi-language exhibition labels but also around the categorization and collection of Spanish language material. 

  • We seek new and innovative opportunities that have yet to be named…so come innovate with us! 

We eagerly await working with the broader Chicago communities and as always please feel free to reach out to us at with any inquiries.


Reflecting on 12 Years of DACA


The Coalition